Actos Attorney

Note: Our affiliated attorneys are not currently taking Actos cases.
Pills | Actos Attorney

Actos was first released by Takeda Pharmaceuticals in 1992. The manufacturer originally marketed the drug to those living with type 2 diabetes, and the company reportedly claimed that Actos would cause little or no side effects. As a result, thousands of patients decided to start taking Actos.

However, even though some claimed that Actos was a wonder drug, pre-market clinical studies suggested that Actos was linked to adverse health complications such as heart failure, bone fractures, bladder cancer, blindness and bladder failure. Unfortunately, the medical and public communities were allegedly not informed of these side effects until after Actos had been on the market for several years.

As more studies linking the potential for Actos to cause health problems are published, affected patients are working with Actos attorneys to seek compensation for their injuries. If you or a loved one have experienced an adverse complication due to Actos, contact the Johnson Firm today to learn more about your legal options.

Actos is a member of the thiazolidinedione family of drugs and works to help the patient’s cells become more sensitive to the insulin produced by the pancreas. However, it is similar in design to two of the three other drugs in the same family for which warnings have been issued due to potential fatal side effects. Many medical experts assert that these medications may cause liver complications, heart problems, edema and anemia.

Actos Side Effects

As reports of negative side effects surfaced, many healthcare experts argued that Actos should only be used as a last resort. In particular, one trial followed 10,000 type 2 diabetes patients who were taking Actos. While some experienced common side effects such as sore throats and headaches, others allegedly suffered from more severe and life-threatening conditions like heart failure and bladder cancer.

Many patients working with an Actos attorney claim that Actos caused lactic acidosis, congestive heart failure, bladder cancer and bone fractures. Those suffering from a pre-existing medical condition may be more prone to adverse complications.

FDA and Actos

Amid an increase in side effects and adverse health conditions allegedly caused by Actos, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) asserted that it knew nothing of the potential risks of Actos. The FDA requested a label change in June 2011 to reflect the newfound risks following a 10-year-long study that established a link between the medication and bladder cancer.

Despite mounting claims from Actos attorneys and the plaintiffs they represent, the FDA also approved a generic version of Actos. Results from a five-year study conducted by Takeda Pharmaceuticals concluded that those taking Actos were 40 percent more likely to develop bladder cancer than patients who did not take Actos or who took an alternative medication. Currently, the FDA is evaluating Actos as well as Victoza, Janumet, Januvia and Byetta for similar risks of thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer and pancreatitis.

Plaintiffs File Actos Lawsuits

Thousands of current and former patients are working with Actos attorneys to pursue claims against the manufacturer in an effort to recover damages for pain and suffering, medical expenses and lost wages. In 2014, a Louisiana jury returned a verdict against the manufacturers that included a $9 billion punitive damage award.

Contact an Actos Attorney Today for Legal Representation

If you or a loved one have been prescribed Actos to control your type 2 diabetes and were diagnosed with heart failure, bladder cancer or other health complications, an Actos attorney can help you seek damages. Contact the Johnson Firm today to learn more about your legal options and whether you have a case. We can provide you with a free evaluation, and our attorneys can help you seek the compensation you may be entitled to.