In some cases, business disputes must be resolved through litigation in which an individual or party files a lawsuit in order to enforce a legal right. At the Johnson Firm, our experienced and peer-recognized Arkansas business litigation attorneys have a thorough knowledge of the litigation process and are able to use the tools and skills that are necessary to help protect your legal rights.
Arkansas Commercial Litigation Attorney
Business disputes typically resolved through commercial litigation proceedings may involve a variety of issues, including:
- Breach of contract
- Collection of debt
- Construction disputes
- Debt work out agreements
- Employment disputes
- Foreclosure on personal property or real estate
- Intellectual property disputes
Should you need to file a lawsuit to resolve a business dispute, our experienced attorneys can help you as your case proceeds through the litigation process. You may need to make a decision in terms of whether to settle, the terms of the settlement, how to settle and any risks you may face if your case ends up in court. Our knowledgeable attorneys may be able to advise you regarding the legal strength of your case and use our expertise to help you determine the best decision for your situation.
We work with defendants as well as plaintiffs. Regardless of your position, we strive to thoroughly investigate and prepare your case to resolve the dispute.
To speak with one of our attorneys about a business dispute, contact the Johnson Firm today at (501) 777-7777 or use the contact form on this website.